Therapy 101: EMDR

If you’ve ever looked into getting therapy, then it’s likely that you’ve heard a lot of different terms thrown around to describe it. There are many different therapy techniques and modalities out there. This blog post is part of a series that is meant to explain some of the more common forms of therapy you’re likely to encounter as you look into potential therapists.

What is EMDR?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy. This is a form of therapy that is used primarily for treating PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and specific phobias. It essentially works as a way of reprogramming the brain to not trigger a physical sensation (like rapid heart rate, sweating, tight breathing, etc.) usually associated with panic and anxiety. It helps allow individuals to view their past experiences without large levels of distress. 

The theory behind EMDR is that the brain cannot process the memory in a logical way and store it successfully because of the high levels of distress. By removing the physical and emotional distress associated with the memories, the brain is then able to store the event away. This allows for psychological healing. 

How Does It Work?

This form of therapy involves using some form of bilateral stimulation while the client focuses on their traumatic memory. Usually the stimulation is having the client follow the hand movements of the therapist with their eyes. However, some therapists use audio bilateral stimulation, such as tapping or headphones with audio cues. There are other forms of stimulation that can also be used, like lights. By focusing on the memory and the cue at the same time, it can help the vividness of the memory fade. This allows the brain to store the memory in a healthier way. 

EMDR is usually carried out in stages and the client is encouraged to work through one specific memory at a time. 

What are the Stages of EMDR?

There are eight stages or phases to this type of therapy. 

Phase 1: The therapist does the intake and takes the history of the client. 

Phase 2: This phase involves preparing the client for what EMDR entails. 

Phase 3: The therapist and client work together to assess which memory the client will be processing in therapy. 

Phase 4-7: This is where the bulk of the work is done. These phases involve working through the memory using bilateral stimulation in order to reprocess it. 

Phase 8: Evaluating the results. In this phase, the therapist and client work together to assess how successful the previous phases were. If successful, the client either ends treatment or the stages begin again with a new memory to process. 

But is it Effective?

There have been studies done that have shown the efficacy and effectiveness of EMDR therapy. It’s not only shown in the short-term but seems to have lasting benefits for clients. This is a short-form therapy that helps many people with their PTSD symptoms and other trauma related problems. 

How do I Find an EMDR Therapist?

Here at Compassionate Counseling Company, we do have an EMDR trained therapist! Lis works with clients using EMDR to help work through their traumatic memories. You can also use your insurance company’s database to find a therapist. 

Therapy 101: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

If you’ve ever looked into getting therapy, then it’s likely that you’ve heard a lot of different terms thrown around to describe it. There are many different therapy techniques and modalities out there. This blog post is part of a series that is meant to explain some of the more common forms of therapy you’re likely to encounter as you look into potential therapists. 

What Is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?

Acceptance and commitment therapy, better known as ACT, is a 3rd wave behavior therapy that has been gaining momentum. In recent years there have been studies looking into the effectiveness of ACT for a variety of uses.

Whereas CBT focuses on changing thoughts ACT focuses more on accepting thoughts and distressing feelings as part of life. Acceptance and commitment therapy is about learning skills on coping with distress, like DBT.

How does ACT Work?

ACT has 6 primary processes that it works on. The concept is that ACT is about increasing psychological flexibility, which is meant to help with coping with negative experiences. Naturally, one of these processes is acceptance. 

Acceptance is exactly what it sounds like, it means coming to accept the negative things that happen and the negative feelings, emotions, or thoughts we may be having. ACT does not encourage avoidance of these things or trying to change negative feelings into neutral or positive ones. 

Cognitive defusion is another component of psychological flexibility. When we talk about defusion in this sense, what we mean is altering how we think about negative things. Instead of trying to avoid them or change them, the focus is on changing the negative impact they have on us. 

Being present, something that is rooted in mindfulness, is also an aspect of ACT. It encourages individuals to be present in their feelings and the current moment, even when it’s unpleasant. It encourages non-judgemental evaluations of the world around them and the world inside of them. 

Mindfulness is also part of self as concept. This is something that in ACT is used to foster a sense of self that recognizes that events occur but they do not have to define the self. This is part of acceptance and tolerance of distressing things we may be experiencing. 

Values are one of the cornerstone components of ACT in that clients are encouraged to find meaning in their lives through values that they identify. These values are used to explore clients’ behaviors. This lets them see if these behaviors line up with the values they wish to live. 

Finally, committed action is a pattern of thinking that links all of the previous concepts together. It’s using the skills learned through therapy to formulate long-term goals for living in a way that will help them live up to their values. 

What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Used For?

ACT can be used in a variety of mental health contexts. It is often used for individuals with specific phobias, mood disorders, anxiety, and substance use disorder. ACT is also used for individuals who are experiencing high levels of stress, such as work stress, and life transitions. These transitions can include grief and loss, moving, marriage (though happy, this can still cause a lot of stress!), etc. There is also some research that has been exploring the use of ACT for individuals with chronic illness and pain. 

How do I Find an ACT Therapist?

Many therapists incorporate some form of ACT into their work. Here at Compassionate Counseling Company, we have a few! Emily, Niah, and Theresa all incorporate ACT into their work with clients. Also keep in mind that many therapists use core principles of ACT without listing themselves as using ACT. At the end of the day, it’s about your connection with a therapist and making sure your goals are aligned. 

Another way to find a therapist is to use your insurance’s provider list. You can look up the therapists in that database online to see what modalities they use with their clients!


Therapy 101: Dialectical Behavior Therapy

If you’ve ever looked into getting therapy, then it’s likely that you’ve heard a lot of different terms thrown around to describe it. There are many different therapy techniques and modalities out there. This blog post is part of a series that is meant to explain some of the more common forms of therapy you’re likely to encounter as you look into potential therapists. 

What is DBT?

DBT stands for dialectical behavioral therapy. It’s quickly becoming a very common form of therapy used by many clinicians and has many clinical studies to back up its effectiveness. Dialectical refers to the idea of reconciling two opposing thoughts, such as knowing someone has harmed you while also acknowledging they are not a bad person. 

This form of therapy was originally designed to help individuals with borderline personality disorder. BPD often comes with intense emotions and risky, usually self-destructive behavior as a result of emotional dysregulation. DBT is meant to help individuals tolerate distress more effectively and thus regulate their emotions more successfully. This in turn helps to reduce harmful behavior, such as self-harm and suicide attempts.

When followed strictly, DBT uses a combination of one-on-one therapy with a client and a trained therapist and group skills sessions. There is also a “light” form of DBT that removes the group skills sessions and involves only the one-on-one therapy.

Can DBT be Used for Other Purposes?

DBT has been shown to be effective in treating eating disorders (especially binge eating and bulimia), bipolar disorder, PTSD, and schizophrenia. It can also be used with those who have major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and other similar mental illnesses. 

How Does It Work?

Dialectical behavioral therapy approaches clients’ problems with the idea that there is some sort of skills deficit that is making it difficult for clients to cope with their emotions and things that go on. Harmful behaviors stem from high levels of distress as a result of this. Through this idea, DBT focuses on skills building and also on increasing distress tolerance in clients. 

There are four basic skills that therapists work with clients on: mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. 

Therapists will use a variety of activities and help teach clients different ways they can work on these skills outside of the session. 

In more traditional DBT there are four stages that therapy proceeds in. It starts with helping to stabilize the client if they’re in crisis and allowing them to feel safe. The second stage focuses on exploring emotional pain. In the third stage, clients work on setting SMART goals and maintaining healthy behaviors. Finally, in the fourth stage, clients look at the big picture and work towards achieving them. 

How do I Find a Therapist?

There are many ways to find a DBT therapist. Right here at Compassionate Counseling Company we have clinicians who integrate DBT into their sessions (Niah, Kelly, Jessica, and Emily). However, if you’re looking for the more traditional form of DBT, then the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification is the best place to find one. If you plan to use insurance, make sure the provider is covered under your plan! You can use your insurance company’s provider search to check. 


Therapy 101 : CBT

If you’ve ever looked into getting therapy, then it’s likely that you’ve heard a lot of different terms thrown around to describe it. There are many different therapy techniques and modalities out there. This blog post is part of a series that is meant to explain some of the more common forms of therapy you’re likely to encounter as you look into potential therapists. 

What is CBT?

Cognitive behavioral therapy, better known by the acronym CBT, is the most popular form of therapy used today. The focus of CBT is to address how people react to their thoughts and feelings and how these reactions then cause them to behave. The thoughts are the cognitive part and the behavior reaction is the behavioral part of CBT.

The belief of CBT is that when we have distorted thoughts we can then have maladaptive reactions to them which then make us unhappy. These reactions and behaviors then go on to contribute to worsening mental health symptoms. 

There are also many third-wave therapies based on CBT which we will cover in later posts, like DBT and ACT. 

What is CBT Used For?

CBT is used to treat a large variety of problems. It is often the first line of treatment for depression and anxiety. It has also been successfully used in individuals with bipolar, schizophrenia, eating disorders, OCD, and many more. It’s generally considered a short-form treatment, with many people finishing their sessions within a few months. 

You don’t need to have a mental illness to go to therapy and get CBT, however. It’s also been used for those with self-esteem problems, life transitions, grief and loss, relationship issues, and insomnia. 

How Does CBT Work?

One of the core focuses of cognitive behavioral therapy is distorted thinking or more formally known as cognitive distortions. These can be broken down into 15 main categories. By addressing these different types of distortions, therapists work together with their clients to form healthier thinking habits.

These thoughts can be addressed in a variety of ways. For example, many therapists employ having the clients journal about negative thoughts in order to work on them in therapy and at home. Many therapists also assist clients in setting SMART goals, which is something we discussed in a previous post about New Year’s Resolutions. 

How Can I Get This Therapy?

The majority of therapists today use either CBT or a combination of it and other modalities. Often on their profiles either on their websites or on online databases, they will list which disorders or concerns they specialize in and which modalities they use to do this. 

Finding a therapist who can help you using CBT is easier than you would think! For example, many of the clinicians working here at Compassionate Counseling Company use CBT with their clients. 


Make 2025 The Year To Focus on Mental Health

Mental health. It’s something we all need to take care of and thankfully something our society is starting to take more seriously. However, it can still be difficult to put a focus on this important aspect of our health. Things get in the way, maybe we’re embarrassed, or maybe we just don’t know where to begin. It can be intimidating to know how to focus on improving or maintaining good mental health. 

I Don’t Have a Disorder, Why Should I Care?

You don’t need to have a diagnosable mental health disorder in order to care about this aspect of health. Our physical health and our mental health are very closely linked. Neglecting one can often cause issues in the other. Staying ahead of that by putting a focus on maintaining mental health or improving it can help also maintain physical health. 

Poor mental health can also contribute to developing a diagnosable disorder. You may not have one now, but if your mental health starts to suffer and you don’t have any way of improving it, you could go on to develop depression or anxiety. Prevention in this case would have been the key. 

When our mental health is suffering, we can often let other areas of our lives slide. Relationships with others, sleep, work, these things and more can all be impacted by difficult stretches. 

How Can I Focus on Mental Health?

There are a lot of ways we can work on improving mental health. It’s important to sit down and really think about what areas of life you feel good in currently and which you think you could use more help with. For example, do you find that you have great relationships but you tend to feel overwhelmed or stressed at work? Then focusing on maintaining those relationships and improving your work stress would be a route to go down. Without knowing how you’re really doing it can be difficult to know what needs improvement and what just needs some regular maintenance. 

Some people work well with lists, be that on paper or digitally, and others work better just thinking things through or talking out loud. Whatever method works for you, use it to evaluate your current mental health strengths and weaknesses so you can build a plan going forward.

What Are Things I Can Do?

Maintaining healthy routines like exercising regularly, getting good sleep, and eating balanced meals can be a great start. It can also be good to try and work on things like breathing exercises or other grounding techniques in order to help get you through stressful moments. 

Make sure to keep your relationships strong. Technology can help a lot with this but try not to rely on it entirely. When it comes to improving mental health, face-to-face time can often be more beneficial to talking to someone through text or video call. 

If you have a pet, consider spending more time with them. Pets can help reduce blood pressure and loneliness. If you don’t have one, don’t worry! This is just one method of reducing loneliness. You can volunteer, pick up a new hobby that involves spending time with others, or just focus more on your friends and family. 

Try being more positive. This doesn’t mean to only be positive or to deny negative feelings or experiences. That’s toxic positivity and it’s usually counterintuitive. Instead, try being more positive in the sense of when good things happen, hold onto those happy feelings. Use that to try and combat small annoyances or upsets in your life and soften the blow of negative experiences. 

Practicing gratitude every day can be helpful, too. It doesn’t have to be big things that you’re grateful for. Sometimes just being grateful for your favorite kind of weather can have a positive effect on. It’s about taking the time to notice the small things in life that make it better, easier, or just more pleasant.

What if These Things Don’t Work?

If you’ve tried every improvement trick in the book, then you may need outside help. This can be either seeing a therapist or a psychiatrist for medication. Seeing a therapist can help us with improving mental health by giving up a place to talk about the difficult things with someone who is a neutral party. 

Another option, usually best done in conjunction with therapy, is seeking medication from a trained professional in psychiatric medication management. Some mental health problems need the chemical changes that come with medication in order to best manage them. If working on things on your own and with a therapist haven’t been enough to help manage your symptoms, then medication may be necessary. 


The Mental Health Consequences of New Year’s Resolutions

The year 2024 is coming to an end. Through everything, we have made it here! This is the time of year when we start reviewing how the year has gone and we start looking towards the new year. There are things we want to change or things we want to have stay the same. Many of us make resolutions to achieve these things. But are New Year’s Resolutions always the best answer? 

Why We Make Resolutions

Usually, we’re inspired to make these changes in our lives for some reason or another. Maybe we want to get healthier in some way or change habits we feel are holding us back. For some of us, we want to set some kind of goal in a skill we already have. For others, they want to gain a new skill. 

We make resolutions because we want to better ourselves in some way. But we also make them so that we can look back on the year and note if we’ve made positive progress towards something. It’s important to many people to feel as if they’ve done something good for themselves or pushed to become a better version of themselves. 

However, we also put a lot of pressure on ourselves because of the social importance of New Year’s Day. 

Why Many of us Fail 

That pressure we put on ourselves is a big contributing factor! We focus less on why we made the goal or resolution in the first place and more on how we’ll feel at the end of the year if we fail. This just sets us up for failure because we’re being motivated by fear and shame instead of something positive. 

Another reason is that many of us set vague resolutions and not measurable goals. What does “get healthier” really mean? This is so difficult to measure and understand that it can seem as if we’ve made no progress towards this goal, even if we have! It’s important to set specific goals because of this. The seeming lack of progress can be really disheartening for someone who is working hard towards something. 

Negative Mental Health Consequences of Resolutions

When we “fail” at fulfilling our New Year’s resolutions, it can feel as if we’re just stuck. Some of us can feel as if we’ll never achieve anything, never fix a bad habit, or never realize our dreams. This is incredibly difficult to deal with, especially year after year, and it can lead to anxiety and depression in some people. These negative feelings and thoughts can be really detrimental to many people. 

If we’ve failed at these same resolutions before, the anticipatory failure can also contribute to greater anxiety and depression. It can be something we dread every year and yet we still set the same goals and approach them in the same way. This generally isn’t good for most people’s mental health and it’s why many of us feel so badly by mid-March. 

There’s also an issue with the “new year, new me” approach. This encourages us to make so many changes all at once that it becomes overwhelming. This isn’t a sustainable or long-term way of approaching making positive changes in our lives. Small, incremental changes make for much better and long-lasting effects in our lives. 

Is it Possible to Set and Achieve Resolutions?

Of course! Not only is it possible in general, but it’s also possible to approach them in a healthier way that can contribute to better mental health, not worse. In next week’s blog post, we’ll be discussing how to go about setting New Year’s Goals as opposed to New Year’s Resolutions. Not that you need to set goals around a specific time! 

That’s another important thing to remember. Sometimes the best time to start working towards a new goal is June 27th, May 18th, or even December 3rd. The point is that the best time to start working towards goals is the time that you’re ready to. Trying to push yourself to set and achieve goals based on a certain day of the year is just setting yourself up for trying to achieve something you may not be mentally ready for, which sets you up for failure. 


Transition Stress: The Anxiety of Change and How to Cope

As we approach the end of the year, there’s so many things on our minds. Many of us are planning holiday parties or get togethers. Many are wondering what to gift, make, or how they’ll spend their time. And often we think about changes we want to make in our lives. The end of the year really makes us sit and think about things ending, changing, or transitioning. Of course it can make us excited or hopeful but these transitions can also be stressful. 

Why Do Transitions Feel So Stressful?

The short answer is that we don’t really love change, even if change is good for us. It can be difficult to go from thinking about something one way to then thinking about it a new way. It takes time to adjust to that and it can be stressful, depending on what it is. And if the changes we’re implementing come with new routines or schedules, that can make things even more difficult for us. 

We love patterns. It’s how our brains evolved to work and finding patterns in things makes us comfortable. There’s safety in knowing what’s going to happen next. If it’s a transition we weren’t expecting or had no choice over, it can add a feeling of helplessness and loss of control that makes it difficult to cope. This can cause some serious anxiety when thinking about the transition or changes that are coming. 

What Kind of Transitions Can Affect Us?

Technically, anything that brings change to our lives can affect us and stress us out. Moving, changing jobs, having a baby, and getting married tend to be the big ones that people think about. But consider how for children, the end of the year signals the end of a school semester. For some of them, it means potentially not having friends in any of their classes when the new semester starts. Maybe it means a new teacher they’re never met before. Even though these things aren’t necessarily bad, they can absolutely affect someone’s mental health. 

Making changes to our health can also cause stress. Maybe you’re cutting back on caffeine. Some people experience withdrawals from this that can be pretty unpleasant, including headaches. It also means a change in your routine of not going to the coffee shop as often or making something different in the morning to drink at home. These are little things that can add up if you’re already struggling with other things. 

Is There Anything We Can Do?

We can’t avoid change, not forever. Change is good for us in the long run even if it doesn’t feel good at the moment. Some stress management techniques can help in the moment for dealing with these uncomfortable feelings. We’ve explored some of these techniques in a previous post about grounding techniques. These can be used if you feel overwhelmed or very anxious due to these changes. 

Another option is to talk to someone you trust. Leaning on social supports during times of transition can be especially helpful. They often understand the impact these things can have on you and are likely to be able to support you through tough transitions. They can be there to remind you of the reasons this will be good in the end and they can also help you cope. 

However, if talking to a loved one doesn’t help, consider reaching out to a therapist. Many people go to therapy just to help cope with transitions and changes. It can help to get someone neutral to chime in on what’s going on and to help listen to you. 

Change doesn’t have to be difficult to cope with long term and there are options out there for help dealing with them. But do remember that it’s normal to struggle with change and that it’s normal to be anxious during these moments. 


The Mental Health Benefits of Counseling

Almost every week, we mention how speaking to a therapist or counselor can be of benefit for addressing a variety of needs. However, this is the first time we’ll be addressing the benefits of counseling more closely. Of course it can be used to address specific mental health disorders but it also has more far reaching benefits than just helping people to cope with mental illness.

What is Therapy?

Therapy, or counseling, often refers to talk-therapy or talk-psychotherapy. This is a form of treatment which involves speaking to a trained professional about a problem you’re having. The professional then uses evidence based practices to help you build skills to then address whatever concern brought you to therapy.

One of the main benefits of counseling is that there is no one size fits all approach. There are so many different forms of therapy. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most well-known forms. And many people often think of psychodynamic or psychoanalytic therapy when they first imagine therapy (you know, Freud and a couch). 

However, there is also ACT, DBT, EMDR, ERT, and many, many more. Many of these forms of therapy were developed to target specific mental disorders or problems that people may be having. Motivational Interviewing (MI), for example, was developed for addressing substance use disorder. 

What Does Therapy Help With?

There are many benefits of counseling to consider. Of course, it can help with mental illness, such as depression or anxiety disorders. However, it can also help with things like coping with grief or loss, dealing with stress, handling transitions, and other issues people may be facing. 

Therapy can also help with working on self-esteem, problem solving skills, self-confidence, and coping with rough patches in your life. Most people who go to therapy only do so for a short period of time, usually to help resolve a current issue such as the death of a loved one. 

People also seek out therapy to help with communication skills, relationship problems, and for help addressing conflicts they may be facing in life. 

How Do I Find a Therapist?

Word of mouth is an excellent way of finding a therapist. Ask around and see if you can get recommendations from doctors or people you know who have gone to therapy. Your insurance provider is also a great resource for finding a therapist as that will be the easiest way to insure that the cost of your sessions will be covered. 

We have a large list of clinicians here that are also an option for those looking into the benefits of counseling and considering getting counseling themselves. 


The Importance of Work-Life Balance

A lot of people struggle with having proper balance between their lives and their work. It can be easy, especially in our always on the go, keep pushing for more, and goals/financially motivated society to feel like work is allowed to take over our lives. But a work-life balance is important. There are a lot of potential negative consequences that can happen when we don’t prioritize our lives outside of work more than or at least as much as our lives at work. 

What IS a Work-Life Balance, Anyways?

Simply put, work-life balance is when you’re able to balance your work priorities and obligations with the things you both need and want to do outside of work. It means meeting your deadlines or work goals while also investing time in yourself, getting things done at home, and spending time with the ones you love. 

This is going to look different for everyone! We all have our own hierarchy for what matters most to us. This can also change over our lives. What we prioritize at 25 is likely going to look different for when we’re 35. So this is definitely something to assess over time to make sure your work-life still aligns with your needs, values, and goals. 

Consequences of Being Out of Balance

Stress, to put it simply, can be one of the most immediate consequences of not having a good work-life balance. Stress can then go on to affect us in other ways. 


  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Aches and pains, like headaches
  • Stomach problems
  • Relationship issues
  • Productivity problems
  • More likely to become ill 
  • Blood pressure and other heart problems
  • Exacerbate chronic health conditions
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Problems with eating (too much or too little)
  • Overspending or risky behavior to cope with stress
  • Substance use (like drinking more than usual) to cope with stress
  • Burnout

And that’s not even an exhaustive list! However, it’s clear to see how having a poor work-life balance can affect you not just at home, but at work, too. Looking at the list, it makes it clear how counterproductive it is to focus solely on work at the expense of your mental and physical health. It’ll only affect your work poorly, too!

What Can I Do?

Working on achieving a better work-life balance is going to depend pretty heavily on your specific goals and priorities. However, the first step will be the same for everyone. Step back and really consider how you spend your time every day and every week. Are you happy with it? What areas do you wish you could spend more time in? Is it hobbies, family, or something else? Once you have answers to these questions, it’s easy to see where to tweak things to bring things more in balance with what you personally are looking for in life.

For example, if you feel like you bring work home with you a lot, either literally (finishing paperwork, emailing, etc) or mentally (worrying about projects, thinking about responsibilities, etc) then it may be time to consider setting some boundaries around work when you’re at home. If it’s simply not possible to not bring physical work home with you, set yourself a time limit for how much you’ll spend on it each day. This can help you balance out how you spend the rest of your day.

Do you feel overwhelmed with what you have to do at home? Enlist help from those who live with you, if possible. Splitting up chores so it doesn’t all fall on one or two people who also have busy work lives can really help with alleviating the feelings of “work never ends”, even if it isn’t your job that seems to be following you around. 

If you feel comfortable and safe to, talk to your boss or co-workers. You may be surprised to know that others at work also feel the same way you do. Working together to come up with a better workplace culture that can support a healthier work-life balance for everyone can be more effective than trying to tackle it alone. 

If even after working on getting your life more balanced you still feel like you’re struggling with stress, overwhelm, depression, or other negative feelings then consider reaching out to a therapist


Daylight Savings Time and Why We Hate It

That time is looming around the corner yet again. No, we don’t mean the holidays (though that will come in a later blog!). We mean Daylight Savings Time. While some people love getting the extra hour during “fall back”, others don’t find it so great. And almost everyone can agree that “spring forward” is the worst. But why is it that we have such a difficult time with DST?

Daylight Savings Time, the Circadian Rhythm, and You

Why do we even do DST in the first place? Honestly, it’s from a time when energy consumption from lights was a larger drain on the economy than it is today. It was first implemented during the end of WWI, came back during WWII, and then was brought back in the 60’s and never went away. These were originally all conservation efforts due to war time rationing. Currently, we do it mostly out of habit.

The circadian rhythm is an innate clock within every animal. We all have sleep and wake cycles that are controlled by this little part of our brain. Not only does it control that, but we even have cycles for hunger, pain tolerance, strength, and blood sugar. Among many others! 

The circadian rhythm controls an awful lot in our bodies and is often triggered by light. Light in the morning triggers most people to be awake and get going while fading light and darkness at night trigger our brains to start slowing down and get ready for bed. 

The problem with DST is that it interferes with our natural circadian rhythms. This is why we often have such a difficult time adjusting to these changes.  Our bodies have a natural cycle they want to follow and a biological clock that determines these. But then we have a social clock that is inconsistent with these messages and also changes twice a year. 

Why DST Feels Bad

The argument for keeping DST in the fall is that it gives us more evening light to enjoy things. The problem with this is that is fundamentally messes with our circadian rhythm! We need the light in the morning to let us know that it’s time to be awake and get things done. By making it so that we start our days in the dark, it can be hard to really get going in the morning for most people.

To make it worse, by having it stay light out later in the day, we don’t get the normal signals we need to go to bed. It tricks us into wanting to stay up later. This makes it hard to get into that new routine. 

It’s not surprising that we see an uptick in traffic accidents at night during the beginning of DST in the fall! And in the morning for the spring, we also see an uptick in traffic accidents. Not only this, but doctors have even found that the incidence of heart attacks and strokes go up in the days following the DST switch.

All of this can be attributed to the stress that these changes put on our biological clocks and, subsequently, our bodies. The way it impacts our sleep isn’t healthy. But unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do while it’s still law. 

What Can We Do About It?

Keeping to your routine as much as possible is important. Stick with your regular sleeping schedule, even though it may be tempting to stay up later or sleep in later. Buying a lightbox can also help if you’re really feeling the lack of vitamin D and light that we would normally be getting from outside.

Self-care can be really important, especially self-care around sleep. Make sure you’re getting the rest you need, especially in the first week or two of the time change. This can make all the difference in the transition!

If you find you’re prone to winter blues or depression with a seasonal pattern, now is the time to be proactive about it. For those with depression, reach out to your care team about considering medication changes or additions to stay ahead. If it’s winter blue, check out our blog post that discusses both of these!

And of course, if you find yourself struggling, reaching out to a therapist can always be helpful. 
