Therapy 101: Mindfulness Based Interventions

If you’ve ever looked into getting therapy, then it’s likely that you’ve heard a lot of different terms thrown around to describe it. There are many different therapy techniques and modalities out there. This blog post is part of a series that is meant to explain some of the more common forms of therapy you’re likely to encounter as you look into potential therapists.

What are Mindfulness Based Interventions?

Mindfulness Based Interventions (MBI) are known by many different terms depending on the main focus and how it is implemented. It can be found in DBT, ACT, mindfulness based stress intervention/reduction , and mindfulness based cognitive therapy. It involves the incorporation of mindfulness techniques in order to reduce stress and some symptoms of certain disorders, like anxiety. 

How Does MBI Work?

Through the use of mindfulness activities, such as meditation or yoga, therapists help clients stay in the present moment. By being more in tune with our feelings and physical sensations, it can help reduce some distress. Clinicians use a variety of techniques to help the client with gaining familiarity with their moment to moment feelings. By grounding themselves in these feelings, it can be easier to combat certain symptoms, like anxiety. 

What Else Can MBI Be Used For?

MBI can be used in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and even chronic pain. It has even been seen in some substance use programs.  There may be some use for it in the treatment of eating disorders because of a focus on distress tolerance.

How do I Find an MBI Therapist?

The good news about MBIs not being a specific therapy is that it makes it easier to find one. Many therapists implement mindfulness into their everyday practice with their clients. For example, here at Compassionate Counseling Company we have many clinicians who use mindfulness! Alison, Andrea, Callie, Christine, Emily, Emma, Fendi, Jessica, Lis, and Theresa would all be great fits. However, you can also use your insurance company’s provider list to find one for you!
